Monday 18 January 2016


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   A friend received urgent and unexpected call that his eldest brother,John was in coma.He rushed home and on enquiry discovered the brother drank six bottles of big Stout and reached comatose stage. Alcoholic intoxication esp the last three stages can cause brain confusion and death oblivious to many consumers through the following mechanisms:
-Pleasurable effects are due to enhancement of noradrenalin turnover in the brain,
-Promotion of Gamma-AminoButyric Acid A(GABA-A) mediated by synaptic inhibition through chloride ion channel opening,
-Augmentation of serotonin or 5HT(5-Hydroxytryptamine) on 5HT3 inhibitory receptor,
-Reduction of neurotransmitter release directly by inhibiting voltage sensitive calcion ions channels,
-Blockage of adenosine uptake causes depression.

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Alcohol( or Ethanol) according to Ababio is one of the members of alkanol with OH group and it is prepared by a process called Fermentation. Alcohol rapidly enters the bloodstream and circulates to all parts of the body within a few minutes of consumption. Absorption is slowed by food(especially fats and oil) in the stomach. As described above,it knocks out control centers in the brain monitored by hypothalamus resulting in intoxication. The are six states(social stages not pharmacological) depending on the quantity(in gm/100ml of blood) which can be measured using intoximeter. Factors like food,orange,age,body size and sex(gender) can affect intoxication. 

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The six social stages are:
-NORMAL STAGE(0.01-0.05g/100ml).In this stage,there is vasodilatation in the face and stomach. And the skin becomes warm and flushed. Characterized by behaviour nearly normal by ordinary observation and increase in nerve impulse.

-SOCIAL STAGE(0.03-0.12g/100ml).This involves mild feeling of euphoria,sociability and talkativenes, increased self confidence and decreased control of sensible behaviour due to its depressant action on the body.This stage initiates sexual urge as a result of increase in the rate of blood flow as well as muscular activities and sympathetic stimulation.

-PRE-INTOXICATED STAGE(0.09-0.25g/100ml). There are reduced attention,control and co-ordination and inability to perform fine task.Also there are impairment of perception,memory and comprehension.

-INTOXICATED STAGE(0.18-0.30g/100ml). In this case,there is decreased senses,prolonged reaction time, and reduced visual acuity and glare recovery.Others are impairment of balance and drowsiness.

STUPOROUS STAGE(0.25-0.40g/100ml). In this,there is disorientation,mental confusion,dizziness,exaggerated emotional stage,increase pain tolerance,staggering gait and blurred speech.
COMATOSE STAGE(0.35-0.50g/100ml). The characteristics are inability to stand (or walk),vomiting,incontinence(incapable of controlling urination and defecation),impairment of circulation and respiratory paralysis as well as hypothemia(low body temperature) and hypotension(excessively low blood pressure).
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Apart from the problems associated with each stage,other consequences are RTA(Road Traffic Accident),fatty liver,hepatitis,jaundice,gall stone,cirrhosis,infertility,brain damage,low birth weight,kidney failure,derelict,pot belly and poverty.

Nevertheless, alcohol can be used as antiseptic,rubifacient and counter irritant,antiperspirant, after shave lotion,rubbed to prevent bed sore formation,intractable neuralgias,alcoholic sponges used in fever to reduce temperature,to ward off cold,appetite stimulant and carminative,reflex stimulation in fainting/hyseria and treatment of methanol poisoning. If you must, drink wisely and in moderation for you friends and family need and love you!

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