Thursday, 26 November 2015

Meet The Most Intelligent Female Federal Permanent Secretary In Buhari's Cabinet,Mrs Ayotunde Adesugba.

The First Time I met Mrs Ayotunde Adesugba was during her Inauguration on 12th November at state house Abuja.

Mrs Ayotunde Adesugba

After receiving her Portfolio as Permanent Secretary in Federal Ministry Of Information and Culture, I went through her CV and she is really a great inspiration to many young girls.
Mrs Ayotunde Adesugba is happily married to Mr Soji Adesugba with Children.

R-L Mr. Taiwo Abidogun, Mrs. Ayotunde Adesugba, Dr. Shehu Ahmed and Mr. Bassey Apkanyung after taking their Oath of Office as President Buhari Swears-In the newly appointed Federal Permanent Secretaries in Statehouse on 12th Nov 2015 
Mr and Mrs Adesugba


1 comment:

  1. We were not told what made her the most intelligent woman permanent secretary. Her CV should have been published for the readers of this blog to determine if indeed she is the most intelligent
