Saturday 6 February 2016

Dangerous Visitors Lurking In Your Mattress

Dangerous Visitors Lurking In Your Mattress

These Bugs Reside In Your Bed and Harm Your Lungs and Back While You Sleep – Learn How to Kill Them Quickly, Easily and Naturally!

Have you ever thought what happens in your bed when you get up in the morning? And did you know that if you make your bed right after you get up in the morning, millions of dust mites that live in your bed will be trapped between the sheets feeding off your dead skin cells and sweat?

At this point it is very important for you to know that these mites are potential causers of asthma and allergy.
That is why you need to leave your bed unmade and open in the morning. This way you will expose all these creatures to fresh air and light, which will dehydrateand kill them off.
When we sleep, we sweat. Some of us sweat a lot, and other sweat less. Many scientists claim that average person may sweat up to a liter of fluid per night.
This creates an ideal breeding ground for the mites.
They estimate unbelievable number of 1.5 million dust mites residing in an average bed. This number is unbelievable. Now imagine that these mites are feeding off our old skin cells that we shed onto our sheets as we sleep.
However your body is not troubled by the existence of these mites. Your body is troubled by what these mites leave behind. When inhaled, their excretions can provoke dust allergies and cause asthma flare ups.
According to Carolyn Forte, the director of the cleaning lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute, it is wise to leave your bed unmade for some time during the morning. That way the sheets will have an opportunity to dry from your nighttime tosses and turns.
Now this means that when you wake up, first make your breakfast and get ready for your day, then you can make you bed. Also it is very important for you to remember that you need to wash your sheets and pillow cases every one to two weeks.
Many experts claim that it is better to leave your bed unmade for the whole day, and do this chore when you get home at night.
This is because the exposure to fresh air and light, will kill all the dust mites in your bed, leaving you to breathe a little easier.

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