Wednesday 9 November 2016

6 Signs That You are Going to Die Early

An obese man's belly

It’s uncomfortable to think about, but sooner or later we’re all going to die. There’s simply no avoiding it. We’re all born with an expiration date, and there’s nothing we can do about it — though there are many things we can do to buy ourselves more time. Lifestyle choices, along with environmental factors, can lead to an early death. And if you want to do what you can to make sure you die later rather than sooner, there are all kinds of changes you can make.

Of course, you could always be killed unexpectedly, whether it’s being struck with a disease or hit by a speeding city bus. It’s best to try and not worry about those very real but relatively remote possibilities and focus on doing what you can to avoid a self-inflicted early death. There are even several signs and signals you can look for to try and gauge whether the reaper is on your trail right now.

How will you die?

If you were to just take a look at the most common ways people die in modern America, you can probably count on the fact that you’re going to die as a result of heart disease or cancer at some point down the line. And again, you can take steps to lower your odds of that happening starting today. If you’re serious about living a long and healthy life, see if any of these other signs apply to you and your present condition.
If they do, death may come knocking sooner than you’d like.

1. Your physical shape

If you want to live well into your 60s, 70s, or beyond, you need to start taking your physical condition seriously. That means having a BMI that lies within the recommended range — or, not being overweight or obese. Obesity can absolutely ravage your body in a number of ways, and many of the most common causes of death (including both cancer and heart disease) are closely linked to excess poundage.
Are you out of shape? Consider it a sign that you won’t last long into your golden years.

2. Gnarly nails

As we’ve covered previously, our fingernails can tell us a whole lot about the state of our health. If your nails have spots, strange ridges, are discolored, or are seemingly falling apart? You probably have some serious issues to deal with. Take a look at your nails, and go to a doctor with anything that stands out as strange. Weirdness among our nails can indicate much more serious health issues that need to be addressed.

3. A weak sense of smell

Our sense of smell is important for a number of reasons, and as we age, it can start to fade. We’ve all seen older people who have trouble seeing or hearing, and similarly, we can lose our sense of smell. The bad news is that studies have tied the loss of smell to rapidly approaching death. In one study, losing our ability to smell was found to be a biomarker in many genetic makeups that vitality was quickly fading, and death imminently within five years.

4. Grip strength

Oddly enough, grip strength — you know, how hard you are able to grasp something — has been tied to mortality. Our grip strength can be an indicator of our heart health, among other things, which can tell doctors whether or not there are some serious underlying issues that are taking a toll on our bodies. Grip strength not what it used to be? That may mean there’s something lurking under the surface.

5. Educational attainment

How much schooling you have can also give us an idea of how long you’re likely to live. There are a ton of factors baked into this, but research basically shows that the longer you went to school, or the higher the degree you have, the longer you’re bound to live. That may mean that you make more money, and live a less stressful life. It may also mean you can afford more nutritious foods. Either way, the link exists.

6. Bad breath

Like ugly fingernails, bad breath can be a signal that there are some serious underlying health problems. Of course, it may just be the garlic and onion mashed potatoes you had for dinner — but chronic bad breath is a whole other can of worms. Bad breath may indicate someone has a cancer or other infections that can, in fact, kill you.

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